End-time Foundations ...
Accurate end-time assessments are based on a quality epistemic foundation. "How is it that we can really know what's ahead?" is a crucial question. We build our appeals on the Word of God, the Bible.
Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page. Before we list and link the FAQs, some introductory comments are in order ...
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Our FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions ...
Q #1 Who blows the Final Trumpet?Q #2 Isn’t this simply another Mid-Tribulational position?Q #3 Aren’t we told to be ready for Jesus Christ’s coming, not the antichrist’s?Q #4 Aren’t there strong grounds for rejecting The Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering position?Q #5 Where do you include the 70th Week of Daniel in your chronology?Q #6 Don’t you have a problem in that Revelation 6 teaches contrary to your position?Q #7 How do you account for the contradiction concerning Matthew 13’s Weed Parable ?Q #8 What about Israel? What is your position/viewpont on Israel?Q #9 Why do you put such an emphasis on this doctrine of “end times” ?Q #10 Please further explain the “has come” / “came” issue raised in FAQ #6 ?Q #11 What are the major goals of this ministry (Endurance Ministries) ?Q #12 How soon is Christ's return, exactly?Q #13 Just how do you suggest one “prepare” for the return of Jesus Christ?Q #14 What are the major end-time positions today and how do they differ?Q #15 How does one live in light of these diverse end-time positions?Q #16 What potential perils exist if each position is wrong?Q #17 What about the Prewrath Rapture position?Q #18 Where are we on the echatological time chart?Q #19 What are some of the major deceptions we need to be discerning today?Q #20 Do you bring prophetic seminars and conferences?Q #21 How is our culture denying the idea that the end is near?Q #22 Is Preterism a viable alternative concerning END TIMES ?Q #23 Have you disappeared? Why haven't you been posting new material of late? Q #24 Why do you insist upon pressing this topic in light of all the controversy it brings? Doesn't Scripture speak against sowing discord among the brethren?Q #25 How would present culture begin further persecuting followers of Christ?Q #26 Don’t you face a chronological inconsistency concerning the false christs and false prophets of Matthew 24:23-26 and that which the TEXT teaches comes AFTER these false teachers—that is, the heavenly signs and the sign of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:29, 30) ?Q #27 What emphasis/approach does your Final Trumpet Rapture workbook take?Q #28 Do you believe we are living in the "final generation" before our Lord's return?Q #29 Why do you emphatically deny the Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering is a MID-TRIB Rapture position when the evidence leads to the contrary?Q #30 You seem almost angry at times. If true, WHY is this the case?Q #31 What can I do if your Web information is no longer available?Q #32 Where does "Armageddon" (the battle) fit into your chronology?Q #33 Others also teach the "Final" Trumpet of I Cor. 15 is the 7th Trump of Rev. 11. Are you in agreement with their understanding(s) of the Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering details?Q #34 ... So are you saying Endurance Ministries (EM) and the ministry team have THE Truth about end-time details? Q #35 How do anti-Christian religions contribute to the end of days (before Christ's Return)? Q #36 Now I'm REALLY confused!! In FAQs #2 & #29 you state the Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering (FTRG) is emphatically NOT a mid-tribulation position. BUT in FAQ #33 you diagram a mid-trib position! The FTRG IS indeed mid-trib, IS IT NOT? Q #37 Are there false teachings being taught in the church today?Q #38 Do you agree with the way Daniel's 70th Week is typically defined by most Pre-millennialists?Q #39 Just how do you "label" those who make false prophetic claims?Q #40 In your materials you claim II Timothy 4:3-4 is taking place today. How so?Q #41 Since the "Day of the Lord" is a key part/aspect of eschatological studies, could you define Endurance Ministries' understanding of this period of time?Q #42 Assuming what you present is true, "What should we be doing today?"Q #43 How much of an income do you make from this ministry? Q #44 Why does all this even matter?Q #45 I've been told, "It [The FTRG chronology] is all screwed up!" Can you really justify, biblically speaking, your position?Q #46 Are there really Bible grounds for believing the rapture event is explicitly stated in Matthew 24:31? We interrupt our FAQs for just a moment to address a current cultural affair. (The comment immediately below was posted in 2013.)
WHEN will the earth dwellers discern we are moving into the closing daysof the end just prior to the initial appearing of Jesus Christ? WHEN will theChurch in Jesus Christ discern many “Christian” end-time scenarios are filledwith half-truths leading to eschatological harm’s way?
The 2012 DA14 asteroid was only discovered last year. We know so little.We didn’t even see the 2/15/13 mini asteroid coming. We know so little.WHEN will we humble ourselves and look to God and His Word for precioushelp for today and bright hope for tomorrow? Read His Word dear seeker.
Continuing the list of our 60 FAQs ... Q #47 How did Irvin Baxter respond to your letter?Q #48 What's your real motive in all this "ministry" effort?Q #49 We ask a lot of questions of you but do you have any for us?Q #50 Don't you occasionally write in a dogmatic tone? (You really do.) Q #51 Are you suggesting today’s popular definition of Daniel’s 70th Week is in error?Q #52 Why do you employ an Allegorical hermeneutic? Q #53 You say there aren't any passages teaching the PRE-Trib Rapture but my Bible-believing pastor teaches to the contrary. Who's right [Who's TRUTHFUL on this important matter] ? Q #54 Does the "Day of the Lord" actually start with the sixth seal (which, according to one end-time chronology, also includes the beginning of the wrath of God) ? Q #55 I keep finding helpful handouts on your many web sites. Could you please place the major ones at one location so I know what you make available without having to surf your sites? THANKSQ #56 Just What is “The Taking Away of the Regular/Daily Sacrifice/Offering” ?Q #57 Are some churches really as compromised as you seem to suggest?Q #58 Why do you persist in questioning the Pre-Trib Rapture position?Q #59 Are the end-time "signs" really unfolding today?Q #60 Is the Final Trumpet Rapture Gathering a sound end-time position?
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